8 research outputs found


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    This paper investigates the students` perceptions and feedback of a language platform in Healthcare and the content available online for individual or collective learning in higher education. The online training programme comprises of 14 medical topics and 6 modules, developing intercultural competence. The contents and the audio-visual materials were rated by forty students in specialized English at the Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria regarding the four language communicative skills (as per CEFR). The HELP 1 questionnaire was adapted and extended for students with no experience abroad to measure what aspects of this course help them improve their English language competence and the extend to which the content meets their interests. Student feedback emphasized the need for speaking and writing activities in professional settings such as hospitals and healthcare centers. Further ideas for the optimization of the Help language programme include custom-made modules that encourage students to process professional information for an improved self-efficacy


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    Helping the improvement of digital competences and more widespread usage of technologies in education are prioritized aims of European commission for 2018 as well. Each next action in support of improvement of those skills would improve the academic teaching and the quality of educational services. This article presents the organization of the conducted training with teachers about working with electronical resources for education in Medical University `Prof. Dr Paraskev Stoyanov` - Varna. The trainings were with intention to increase the knowledge of academic teachers about functional opportunities in the platform `Blackboard Learn+` for the purposes of electronical teaching and her more profound usage like helpful technology in education

    Die Ansätze der E-Prüfungsdidaktik und Anwendungsaspekte der elektronischen Prüfungen im Bereich der medizinischen Fachsprache

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    The spread of digital media in education and the related types of online courses, exercises and tests brings raises not only the question of the structure, contents and effectiveness of this type of learning and teaching but also the possibilities for e-assessment of knowledge. As a result of these processes a new discipline is emerging in recent years - "Examining didactics" and a related discipline, named "Didactics of electronic examination" (Е-didactics). In view of the growing interest in electronic examination formats, a definition of the term Е-didactics is provided in the present survey as well as a discussion of the main prerequisites for the implementation of the electronic examination and its advantages for teachers, learners and educational institutions. The applicability and the appropriateness of the electronic examination tools for the specifics of the specialized German for medical purposes are analysed based of these premises. The preconditions and the options for electronic test forms and the respective options are investigated in view of learners` receptive and productive skills assessment and the relation of these options to the communicative situations in the medical practice context

    Digital competences of university teachers in working with e-learning platforms

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    Introduction: Popularization of electronic and distance education enforce more requirements, which unavoidably leads toward more profound analysis of digital competences of university’s teachers. Preparation, adaptation and deployment of learning resources in digital environment demands familiarization with available functionalities of chosen platform for teaching, with stress on specificity of teaching area. The different activities for asynchronous (for example: e-mail correspondence or forums) or synchronous communication (for example: audio/video conferences or phone talks) give recourses helping the teaching as well. Contemporary technologies modulate opportunities for more effective communication even in distant format with different methods for online activities to pay the attention of learners - sharing learning resources (text, audio and video) through virtual auditorium, platforms for mutual activities, platforms for online games for smartphones and many more. We don’t talk anymore for general skills in digital space but aiming the attention on experience and preparation of teachers in role of learners and role of teachers. In this way we can show abilities for working in digital environment and build directions for future development of competences in high education as well.       Materials and methods: Have been used: documental, sociological and statistic methods. In present material has been made overview of anonymous survey with 30 questions (based on documents connected with digital competences) and it is part of research with name: “Analysis of the training and development of the competences of trainers and trainees working in digital environment in Medical University “Prof. d-r Paraskev Stoyanov” - Varna”. The aim is to research the skills of the teachers from Medical University - Varna and to propose directions for their development.  Conclusions: The teachers show interest toward instruments for creating digital content, digital pedagogy and increasing foreign language competency. Still part of them is uncertain in working with platform Blackboard, which could be compensated with training. The key role in the progress of digital competences of teachers has the team, who maintain electronic platforms in the university. They are trainers of teachers as well. It arises necessity of creating standards for different levels and respective programs for their progress. The process of this creation has to be dynamic, flexible and adaptable toward current conditions

    Aprendiendo inglés con objetivos médicos en un ambiente educativo a distancia. Un enfoque conceptual. Una aproximación conceptual

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    Learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has become widely available through a variety of online tools and e-learning platforms. In many cases the e-learning courses provide an electronic replication of in-presence courses focusing largely and only on developing lexical and grammatical knowledge, as well as receptive skills. Research shows the importance of Virtual Teams (VT) for fostering deeper learning and developing critical thinking, yet insufficient number of studies has researched the implementation of VT in learning English for Specific Purposes in the field of Medicine. The current study aims at developing a conceptual approach for enhancing English for Medical Purposes (EMP) e-learning programmes focused on the development of communicative skills, critical thinking, intercultural cooperation, lifelong learning and motivation through the use of Virtual Teams. The conceptual approach includes a set of problem solving tasks associated with actual medical cases organised entirely in a technology-mediated environment. Through problem-based learning, participants and tutors organized in Virtual Teams will be expected to reach solutions to outlined medical cases and problems. The proposed conceptual approach will develop foreign language proficiency for medical purposes, team working skills and critical thinking in recurring social interactions and collaboration in an online setting.El aprendizaje de inglés para fines específicos (English for Specific Purposes) ha estado ampliamente disponible a través de una variedad de herramientas en línea y plataformas de aprendizaje electrónicas. Frequentemente, los cursos de aprendizaje electrónico ofrecen una réplica electrónica de los cursos presenciales que se centran principalmente en el desarrollo del conocimiento léxico y gramatical, así como en el desarrollo de habilidades receptivas. Estudios han mostrado la importancia de los equipos virtuales (Virtual Teams) para fomentar un aprendizaje más profundo y desarrollar el pensamiento crítico del estudiante; sin embargo, pocos estudios han investigado la implementación de los equipos virtuales en el aprendizaje del inglés para fines específicos en el campo médico. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo desarrollar un enfoque conceptual para mejorar los programas de aprendizaje electrónico del inglés con fines médicos (English for Medical Purposes) centrándose principalmente en el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas, el pensamiento crítico, la cooperación intercultural, el aprendizaje permanente y la motivación mediante el uso de equipos virtuales. El enfoque conceptual incluye un conjunto de tareas de resolución de problemas asociados con casos médicos reales organizados completamente en un entorno completamente mediado por la tecnología. A través del aprendizaje basado en problemas (problem-based learning), se espera que los participantes y los tutores organizados en equipos virtuales alcanzarán soluciones a los casos y los problemas médicos descritos. El enfoque conceptual propuesto desarrollará el dominio del idioma extranjero para fines médicos, así como también elaborará las habilidades de trabajo en equipo, el pensamiento crítico en interacciones sociales recurrentes y la colaboración en un entorno en línea